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Dr. med. Jeschke

Dr. Christoph Jeschke was born in Tübingen, Germany. He studied medicine in Munich, Innsbruck and Würzburg and did parts of his residency in Capetown, South Africa. From 1998 to 2007, Dr Jeschke worked as a junior doctor at Garmisch-Partenkirchen hospital. During this time, he did a PhD and successfully graduated with a thesis on the human immune system. He continued his training and specialised as general practitioner (GP). In 2008, he opened his practice in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (first Bahnhofstraße 13, now Hauptstraße 60-64) and has been working as a GP and specialist for internal medicine ever since.

Our practice is specialised in family care. Apart from treating existing health problems, Dr Jeschke puts special emphasis on prevention. His additional qualifications in sports medicine, travel medicine as well as nutrition therapy allow him to do so and add value to his preventative treatments. Dr Jeschke graduated in “manual therapy/chirotherapy” in 2017 and also holds a certificate in emergency medicine.

Our Team

Dr. Christoph Jeschke

Barbara Zigon

Andrea Hillenbrand

Jutta Straßenmeyer

Professional affiliations

Apart from practicing as a GP, Dr Jeschke is active in various other medical fields and is a member of various society and associations.

  • Bund Deutscher Internisten
  • Bayerischer Hausärzteverband
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sportmedizin und Rehabilitation
  • MWE, Dr. Karl-Sell-Ärzteseminar e.V. (Mitglied der DGMM: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Manuelle Medizin e.V.)
  • MEDIGAP Ärztenetzwerk Zugspitzregion
  • Praxisverbund Werdenfels
  • Herzsportgruppe Garmisch-Partenkirchen